Hancock Metropolitan Housing Authority

Hancock Metropolitan Housing Authority's (HMHA's) mission is to provide safe, decent, and sanitary housing conditions for very low-income families and to manage resources efficiently in the administration of HUD's Housing Choice Voucher Program. HMHA's goal is to promote personal, economic and social upward mobility to provide families the opportunity to make the transition from subsidized to non-subsidized housing.


1800 N Blanchard St, #114
Findlay, Ohio 45840

Visit the Hancock Metropolitan Housing Authority website.

Emergency Numbers

Hancock County Sheriff's Office:
Findlay Police Department:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
Crisis Text Line:
Quick Response Team:
Open Arms 24-Hour Domestic Violence:
Child Abuse Hotline:
Rape, Abuse, Incest, National Network:
Crisis Hotline:

Housing Help Line

Meetings List

Online Support Meetings

In the Rooms
SMART Recovery
Recovery Dharma Online

Tap on the day of the week to expand the meetings for that day.

Mental Health Screenings